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Aries: March 21 — April 19

This week will be hard especially in terms of work. You may want to divide your tasks or use a temporary help. You may install the new working methods and will be followed by the others which in turn will increase the potential to meet someone special at work or notice a person who has been in love with you for a long time. Develop useful for work and healthy habits. Find the best ways to communicate with customers, clients, superiors and lovers, who knows.

Taurus: April 20 — May 20

This week, it is likely that you will overdo with work, financial affairs or physical activity and probably with sex. You are full of energy, and in front of you there are a lot of interesting objects, but do not be in hurry. Impulsive actions can cause you getting out of range. Expand your experience, but do not forget about basic things, such as family, talents, responsibilities, etc.

Gemini: May 21 — June 20

If your heart is free, the current week will little change in this regard. You will have to wait for another occasion to fall in love. However, there will be plenty of flirting opportunities. For those who have a pair, the influence of Saturn will cause some problems. You and your spouse will treat each other fairly indifferent, if not openly cold.

Cancer: June 21 — July 22

Partners are suspecting each other this week. Simply know that it is the influence of a fantasy played out. If you do not have a partner yet, you will be happy to let a romantic adventure in, mind a little thinking about the consequences, and do whatever you want. Ironically, dangerous liaisons can suddenly turn into a true love story.

Leo: July 23 — August 22

Trust Neptune this week. This planet is your best friend and a patron. It will help you to smooth any rough edges in relations with other people and seem to breathe the magic in to everything that surrounds you. You’ll be seductive as never before, and you will not only make new friends and patrons, but also win the sympathy of this or that, whom you like in erotic sense, even if it is «only» about your current companion or a life partner.

Virgo: August 23 — Sept. 22

If you have a lover, then today you will be quite happy: the loved one will overwhelm you with signs of attention and lavish hot caresses. It will even seem suspicious! If you do not have a date, then it is this week that you can meet your handsome prince or a perfect princess. But there is a danger that you do not pay proper attention to this man or woman. Do not miss the chance!

Libra: Sept. 23 — October 22

If normally you are a spirit of the company, this week everything changes suddenly. You will find yourself under the influence of Venus and be too picky. If you do not have a lover, then please this time it’s almost possible. If there is a partner, you start to question much of the relationship. Anyway, you will very quickly realize that there is no need for this at all.

Scorpio: October 23 — Nov. 21

Venus is in a favorable aspect this week and will definitely affect your relationship with your date or a life partner, alongside the least positive Mars. As a result, the harmony between you both will reach the absolute and will affect the physical and spiritual level of your relationships. If you do not have a partner yet, the Sun in this aspect will bring the life privacy to the forefront. This week promises a fateful meeting, which will change your life forever.

Sagittarius: Nov. 22 — Dec. 21

Do not risk your relationship with a companion or your life partner now. If you’re stubborn, do not make concessions, allow yourself too much, nothing good will come out of this. If you do not have a lover, this week you will find a magical day filled with the most pleasant and joyful experiences. It’s time to start the new, long and strong relationships.

Capricorn: Dec. 22 — Jan. 19

This week you can really expect the changes with your date or life partner for the better. You are very demanding under the influence of Saturn, you try to make a life together better will by all means. If you do not have a date yet, the week promises to bring an ultimate passion into your life. You will be happy to go crazy and plunge into the ocean of tenderness and love this time.

Aquarius: Jan. 20 — Feb. 18

In relations with the partners you will make a remarkable improvement this time. If you do not have a lover yet, then the week will probably bring you a lot of doubts and hesitations. Are those feelings you want possible to experience? What is their true nature? You will ask many philosophical questions about love and relationships this week.

Pisces: Feb. 19 — March 20

The positive influence of Uranus will help you to significantly improve relations with the date or a life partner. The main reason will likely be the consolidation of the material status. This is quite normal: it is not possible to create the paradise in a tent, but the task becomes much more decisive in normal circumstances. If you do not have a date, the influence of Pluto will give you the hope and thirst for stability. The bachelor freedom will suddenly stop pleasing and attracting you.

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